Wednesday, August 29, 2012

'Like the molave' in coastal greenbelts

Philippine Daily Inquirer/OPINION/by Ma. Ceres P. Doyo

“Until our people, seeing, are become/ Like the molave, firm, resilient, staunch…/ Strong in its own fibre, yes, like the molave!”

It is a pleasant surprise to read Rafael de Zulueta’s famous 1940 poem “Like the Molave” in a scientific handbook on the Philippines’ coastal greenbelt, even if the first line—“Not yet, Rizal, not yet”—is all I can remember now of the stanza we had to memorize in school. More on the molave later.

When we think trees we usually think of forests, mountains and valleys. And the winged creatures and other wildlife that thrive on their branches that reach out to the skies. We seldom associate trees with beaches, coastlines and river banks.

But trees are in fact important to the marine ecosystem. They are not for the birds alone but for the fishes, too, that thrive, not on their branches, but in their shade and intricate root system that serve as haven and womb to sea creatures. Even those that do not grow in watery habitats where sea life spawns have a role to play.

And so it is gratifying to know that our marine scientists are focusing on the Philippines’ endangered mangrove associates and other beach forest species. Dr. Jurgenne Honculada Primavera and Dr. Resurreccion “Rex” B. Sabada have just come out with the book “Beach Forest Species and Mangrove Associates in the Philippines.” The book should be a delight to read not only for ecologists but also for beachcombers and even resort and fishpond owners, and you and me. This book is a sequel to “Handbook of Mangroves in the Philippines-Panay” (2004).

Not only is this sequel colorfully designed, it also contains much information on the foliage and their flowers and fruits that thrive on the beaches of our archipelago. It also serves as an urgent warning.

Dr. Joebert D. Toledo, chief of the Iloilo-based Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Seafdec), says in his foreword: “Mangroves are important in maintaining the sustainability of coastal fisheries. Aside from being the nursing and feeding grounds of an array of marine species, the contributions of mangroves to the coastal environment and the subsistence livelihood of communities are indispensable. Regrettably, the expansion and intensification of shrimp farming since the 1980s came at their expense. The results were devastating—acidic soils, viral diseases, coastal erosion, and loss of livelihood, among others.”

Writes Dr. Hubert Gijzen of Unesco-Jakarta: “This handbook will make an immense contribution to the rehabilitation, conservation and sustainable use of beach forests and mangrove associates not only in the Philippines but also in other countries in the region.” Local government officials, students, teachers and members of nongovernment organizations would find it useful, he adds.

The book—supported by Unesco, Seafdec, Man and Biosphere Programme and Japan Fund-in-Trust—features 97 beach forest species and mangrove associates plus 43 other collected species. The 97 are each given a page with several color photos and descriptions of the species and their habitats, leaves, flowers and fruits. The species’ English and local names as well as their uses—medicinal, structural, ornamental, etc.—are listed. It goes without saying that among their important uses is to be part of a balanced “coastal greenbelt.” The authors describe a “beach forest [as] a mixed association of littoral creepers, shrubs and trees above the high tide level. That is, the supratidal species that form an impenetrable thicket in pristine forests referred to as ‘beach jungle’ by early explorers.”

In their intro the authors give a historical perspective: “Our ancestors established settlements located along the shoreline and riverbanks out of necessity. Such places adjoining waterways were the most accessible by boat, then the major interisland mode of transport. (We therefore have the central Luzon Tagalog or taga-ilog, meaning people of the river, and the Sulu Tausug or taong suug, or people of the current.)

“Not surprisingly, vegetation in coastal forests was the first to disappear, followed by mangroves and other forest types. Due to their early loss, beach forests are not as well studied as other flora and therefore not familiar to the average Filipino. They have long gone unreported in the yearly ’Philippine Forestry Statistics.’”

A glossary is provided at the end of the book.

Primavera and Sabada bring up the 2005 Indian Ocean tsunami and sea level rise associated with global warming and stress the role of beach forest-mangrove greenbelts in providing protection for coastal communities. They point to the great potential for industry and tolerance to sea spray, strong sunlight and dry conditions, making them ideal for reforestation use and climate change adaptation.

They hope the book will stimulate research on the species’ uses for medicine, biotechnology and silviculture, and for the protection and restoration of coastal greenbelts.

When you see those creepers and thorny aroma trees on beaches, think of them as protective shields.

And speaking of the molave, I learned only now that it is a mangrove associate. My heavy dining table for five is made of two-inch-thick solid molave (old, salvaged wood) which is uneven at the sides. It was done by furniture sculptor Joel Ajero 15 years ago. For its props and legs, Ajero turned heavy iron into tree branches and leaves painted in faux verdigris. He filled a hollowed corner with a big leaf and twirls. (Will post a photo of it in my blog.)

An altar, indeed, it is. An ode to the molave.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ants, Robredo's mascots

Philippine Daily Inquirer/OPINION/by Ma. Ceres P. Doyo

In 2000, when Jesse Robredo, then 42 and Naga City mayor for three terms, received the Ramon Magsaysay (RM) Award for Government Service, I was assigned to write a front-page story on him. In 2010, when he was appointed secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government, I dug up that story for a column piece.

Not many can and will be DILG secretary, but there are thousands of mayors and mayors-to-be out there who can learn from the way Secretary Robredo served. After news of Robredo suddenly plummeting into the sea and soaring to the eternal skies, I recycle that 2010 piece as a tribute to him. A great man has passed and the Commission on Appointments—shame on you!—did not know it. We should be mourning for ourselves.

            * * *
It was with bated breath that we waited for Jesse Robredo of Naga City, one of the ablest mayors this country ever had, to finally be sworn in as DILG secretary. And then everybody was sworn in except him.

The post had been unabashedly coveted by former Makati City mayor and now Vice President Jejomar Binay who did not hide the moistening in his eyes. But President Aquino was not about to hand the post to him. It was Robredo’s, or so we thought, and then, the wait.

What a relief it was when Robredo was at last handed the DILG post and he accepted.

As an RM awardee, Robredo had shared “the story of a small, faceless but inspired community which got better by continuously trying to better itself.” When he took over in 1988, Naga was “in bad shape” economically, service delivery was bad and political patronage was the order of the day.

Mere words wouldn’t have worked for a cynical citizenry. But leadership in action proved irresistible and couldn’t be ignored. Still a little creative gimmickry went a long way to make people “hit the ground running.” Symbols and slogans were among the secret ingredients.

Robredo had to offer his constituents a dream they could visualize and aim for—a place where they could live happily. “Ang maogmang lugar” (the happy place) became a catchphrase to describe the Naga dream, along with slogans: “Kauswagan kan Naga, kung bako ngonian, nuarin pa?” (Progress for Naga, if not now when?) And the busy ant, that does not work alone but in community, became the mascot. These, Robredo called his “communications strategy.”

Robredo said “participative visioning” was a key. This involved three essential elements: a core development perspective, a mechanism for updating the corporate vision/mission from time to time, and a strategy for communicating that vision. But first, he said, one had to do “environmental scanning” in order to know what Naga and its people were all about.

Robredo, a mechanical and industrial engineering graduate of De La Salle University and who has an MBA from the University of the Philippines, was a San Miguel executive in Manila until he heeded the call of former President Cory Aquino for young people to help build People Power at the grassroots level. Robredo packed his bags and headed for home.

Robredo used corporate jargon to describe his strategies but, more than that, he was a hands-on leader in touch with the grassroots.

Said France Clavecilla, a community organizing veteran who had worked in Naga: “He delivered fast. Housing for the poor was among his priorities.”

“Growth with equity” was at the core of Robredo’s administration philosophy. This meant that every citizen was a partner-beneficiary in the city’s development.
He recalled: “Almost no one believed us when we said that Naga would reclaim its reputation as the premier city of Bicol before the end of my first term in 1992, more so when we envisioned Naga establishing its niche as one of the best managed local governments in the country.”

But first, Robredo said, there had to be confidence-building, confidence in the leadership, the bureaucracy and the citizenry. “Leadership must be bold and inspiring, energizing, enabling and ennobling.” To show this concretely, Robredo described how he curbed illegal gambling, corruption, prostitution and drugs. “Our message was: your government not only works, it always does things better.” He put in long work hours.

City hall got the message: this guy meant business and they must do the same. “Everyone was given the opportunity to prove his worth,” Robredo said, “but it also became clear to everyone that a no-nonsense leadership was at the helm.” The efforts paid off.

But the citizenry had to be included. “The leadership must not only be empowering, it must be inclusive,” Robredo stressed. “It is precisely for this reason that very early on, we reached out to the city’s NGO-PO community instead of simply confining deliberation within a group of elected officials.”

“The Empowerment Ordinance of Naga City” was a revolutionary legislation that forged a partnership between the City Hall and the NagueƱos. The fruit of this ordinance, the Naga City People’s Council, enabled people’s representatives to join and vote in deliberations and even propose legislation.

Naga City had, by then, garnered a string of international and national awards, among them the plum RM Award, which Robredo said, was rightfully deserved by the NagueƱos.

Robredo did not stop learning. After his term ended in 1998, he attended the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. After three terms as mayor, Robredo left government although he could have run for another public post. It was important, he said, that he spent more time with his wife and children.

In no time, Robredo was back at the helm for nine more years. And the rest is Naga history.
I wept when I learned that Robredo's was found by valiant divers who searched the sea floor. And although God did not grant our collective prayers that he would be found alive I feel overwhelming peace. The spirit of this uncommon man lives on in our hearts and now we must bring to life some of his favorite catch words: kaya natin.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Push, pass, FOI Act now!

Philippine Daily Inquirer/OPINION/by Ma. Ceres P. Doyo

Yesterday, August. 15, was the National Day for Freedom of Information (FOI). I don’t know how the day came to be declared such, but the why should be obvious. Below is a pooled editorial which the Right to Know Right Now media coalition hopes would be widely circulated, published, broadcast and discussed in blogs, radio and television talk shows, newspapers, forums, schools, etc. Let us all help spread the word so that FOI would become a reality in our everyday lives. A people in the dark are a people with no power. Is this what we want to be?

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In 1986 at Edsa, the first people power revolt ended 21 years of a government so dark and so opaque, and ushered in one of light and transparency. The strongman Ferdinand E. Marcos was vanquished and democracy icon Corazon C. Aquino came to power.

A year later, the 1987 Constitution enshrined state policies of full transparency and accountability in the conduct of all public officials and employees, and of full public disclosure of information vested with public interest. The Constitution upheld the people’s right to know and be informed about all policies, projects, and programs of government that involve use of taxpayers’ money.

It is now 2012, or over 26 years after Edsa. Filipinos today are the most exuberant in their exercise of the freedoms of speech, of the press, and of peaceable assembly for redress of just grievances. But one other inalienable freedom that the Constitution also guarantees—Freedom of Information—remains just a bill perpetually stuck in the legislative wringer over the last 14 years, hobbled by the discombobulating “concerns” of the executive, and mocked by restrictive administrative fiats of the judiciary, the House of Representatives, and even the Office of the Ombudsman.

The Freedom of Information Act long promised by the Constitution remains, to this day, just a promise. And from the 12th to the present 15th Congress, despite the dozens of bills filed and refiled, it seems like we always return to square one, marching but only in place, on the FOI Act.

The second Aquino administration of Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III was installed in June 2010 on major summons for the citizens and public officials to trek the “daang matuwid,” rid the nation of corruption, and alleviate poverty. From birth, it is an administration that seems naturally betrothed to pushing and passing the FOI Act. Two years and two months in office hence, the administration and its Liberal Party-led coalition in the House of Representatives have yet to do the job.

From various accounts of senior officials and pro-administration legislators, their less than vigorous interest to pass the FOI Act supposedly derives from a few reasons: 1) that some executive agencies have become more transparent anyway [and] are already uploading online some budget and public finance documents; 2) that the FOI Act seems largely an issue of the middle class and the media; 3) that the FOI Act might not get the numbers needed in the House, and with the May 2013 elections coming soon, might divide more than unite the political parties.

Online uploads of public documents are just half the transparency equation that the FOI Act must guarantee. The other, more important half of the equation that an FOI Act guarantees is the public disclosure of documents on request or on demand of citizens asserting their right to access information in government custody.

Citizens need to and must know how public officials exercise their powers and authorities, how they spend public funds, what contracts and agreements they sign and seal on our behalf, what policy issues bother them that must also bother us so we may participate in making decisions.

Citizens need to and must know what programs [have been put up] for the delivery of the most basic services, as well as how they can access with success and within reasonable time frames the most relevant public documents they need to secure and safeguard their most basic needs. Indeed, in the panoply of rights, the right to information is both the most supreme and the most fundamental as it is the bedrock of all our rights to education, property, livelihood, even life.

The right to information is our protection against government abuse, at the same time that it is our power to make government accountable.

But our right to information, as great and self-executing as it is under the 1987 Constitution, requires a complementing legislation to ensure its clear-cut, full and predictable operation. Twenty-six years and five presidents since, the FOI Act remains just a promise.

Over that long wait, the proposed measure has undergone numerous adjustments to carefully balance the people’s right to information on the one hand, and the interests for reasonable confidentiality and sound administrative practice, on the other.

This balancing process has already been exhausted. In truth, what is now left preventing the passage of the FOI law are the personal and speculative fears of our leaders of the people’s exercise of their right to know.

Today, we speak with one voice and join the rest of the people in demanding political will on the part of President Aquino, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, and House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. to lead their respective institutions in immediately enacting the FOI law.

With time fast running out on the 15th Congress, the long wait for the FOI Act should have been over yesterday. The time for decision is now.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mom, frat man-prof on willing hazing victims

Philippine Daily Inquirer/OPINION/by Ma. Ceres P. Doyo

My column “Hazing victims, willing victims” (Inquirer, 8/2/12) drew many reactions from readers. As the title suggested, it was about putting the blame also on the willing victims and not just on those doing the hazing in order to prevent students from joining “brotherhoods” that inflict violence on candidates.

Law student Marc Andre Marcos of San Beda Law School (run by Benedictine monks) died last week after initiation rites of the Lex Leonum Fraternitas, which is not recognized by the school.

Among the letters I received, one was from a mother and another from a frat man-university professor-government official. Neither wants to be identified.

The mother wrote: “I read your article and I could not help but cry. If you have the time, please read the open letter that I have been wanting to write for over a decade now… I am keeping [myself] anonymous due the sensitive intricacies in the fraternity to which [my husband] belongs.

“Your article struck a very raw nerve because my husband is a victim of hazing, a willing victim. He entered law school and joined his fraternity after our children were born. As if he didn’t have enough brothers and sisters, he sought the brotherhood of more…

“In college, we both laughed at the senseless rumbles in our campus. Instead, we both joined school organizations where we met true brothers and sisters with whom we formed true and real bonds.

“There were telltale signs, albeit few and far between—his repeated requests for ‘permission’ to join, and his suddenly wearing, for two straight days, his one and only jogging pants which he had never worn before.

“We were happily married. We had beautiful kids. And in spite of the fact that he was studying he was able to support us with his business while I also worked. We were a picture of a happy family. A decent house, good cars, cute kids, frequent vacations, a happy marriage. Were we not enough for him?…

“Everything you said in your article is true. And as I read your article the memories of that day when I first caught sight of his ube-colored thighs and arms came rushing back. His story did not end the same way that the lives of Marc Andre Marcos, Lenny Villa and a long list of neophytes ended…

“It took a while before we spoke again, and before the words ‘fraternity’ and the name of his fraternity were ever uttered in my presence.

“I have been wanting to write about what happened in order to tell the world that the Anti-Hazing Law of 1995 is one big lie. Because hazing is still pretty much around. And the elders, the so called senior brods, some of [whom] were part of the Congress that passed the law, all know that there is still hazing.

“But you are right [in saying] that grieving families should ‘tell the bright but gullible young—in the strongest, un-coolest words—that it is stupid, katangahan and kabobohan to allow one’s self to be beaten black and blue.”

“It is for this reason that I have written an open letter to my 11-year-old son. I hope you will publish this so that today’s generation, whose minds can still be swayed by their parents, would know that it is okay not to follow tradition, and that one’s right to life is his own, not his father’s.”

The “Dear Son” letter, edited for length, is in the Letters page. Here’s the other letter:

“I am a frat man. There was a time when we, the alumni of the frat, debated on the matter but for some reason the debate lost steam. Not that we did not want to pursue it; the debate simply got sidetracked by other matters. It could resume anytime.

“Physical initiation is a tradition that would be difficult to abolish. But it is of course possible at least to minimize it. There are in fact proposals and proponents in our frat for alternative modes of initiation.

“Pending the changes, we have so far avoided deaths or life-threatening injuries. This may be because we had exercised certain measures to protect neophytes from the more serious dangers that could result from initiation. I don’t know if these measures are still followed by the younger ones. Probably yes, and we have not heard of any untoward incident. We also usually caution younger ones, and the alumni are also informed of situations by the young ones. Our frat is spread nationwide.

“Here are the measures we follow: 1) A responsible officer must be present during the rites. His responsibility includes making sure that the initiation does not go out of bounds; this includes putting a stop to the initiation if it endangers the neophyte, even if it is unfinished. Another member, the recruiter, takes care of the neophyte. 2) Strict limitations to [the] physical initiation could apply—never on the head, torso and other critical parts. 3) No alcoholic drinks. 4) Constant checking of the neophyte’s status, including asking him directly [about] his condition. 5) Readiness to see a doctor and report to alumni leadership of any problem.

“Please take note that this does not seek to sustain having physical initiation. As I’ve said, there are moves to abolish or minimize it. What I am trying to say is that while it may not yet be abolished—it could even go underground in the face of legal measures against it—the measures we exercise [have] helped the frat avoid the lethal consequences of physical initiation.

“Well, this may not be good writing for public consumption as the young ones may get encouraged to continue with the practice. I actually initiated the debate in the frat for the abolition or drastic modification of physical initiation. [It was] welcomed by many.”

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hazing victims, willing victims

Phiilppine Daily Inquirer/OPINION/by Ma. Ceres P. Doyo

This is an unpopular, even tactless, thing to say while a family is grieving the loss of a beloved— that hazing victims are partly to blame for their own deaths. That they had it coming. It is not nice to blame the dead. But things need to be said.

Another willing victim, a law student, is dead. Sue me for saying willing victim. WV, how un-cool.

I have yet to hear bereaved families and friends of hazing victims say that their dear departed were willing victims, if not somewhat hesitant ones. I have yet to hear weeping parents say this in order to warn would-be victims and prevent more senseless deaths among the young who walk willingly into the valley of death.

What one hears from families are cries for justice and retribution, which, of course, need to be made. The blame is always heaped on the hazers who are alive and walking, that is, the fraternity brods who wield paddles, whips and baseball bats in the name of brotherhood and loyalty. They who had once been brutalized themselves and survived, and who are “paying it forward” with the same physical cruelty. As they say, there are no sadists where there are no masochists.

Among those who had survived by the skin of their teeth, had anyone come forward to say it was all wrong and then severed ties with the so-called brotherhood? Ex-cultists who survived with soupy brains have done better.

The grieving should go beyond extolling the virtues of their dear departed, they should go beyond lamenting the unfulfilled promises and the dreams that were laid to waste. Yes, we commiserate and sympathize. But not you, not I, who have not experienced this kind of loss, can ever understand or fathom their pain. We can only shudder as we behold the weeping. This is my way of saying that this kind of loss should not happen to anyone.

Grieving families should do more than just blame the perpetrators, that is, the fraternities that inflicted the death blows. They should go out there and tell the bright but gullible young—in the strongest, un-coolest words—that it is stupid, katangahan and kabobohan to allow one’s self to be beaten black and blue. That is almost like saying their dear departed belong to that category. But how to explain law students getting misled to think that a true brother inflicts physical pain and even sends brothers to the morgue, if not to the ICU, there to languish like pinikpikan?

Pinikpikan (live chicken slowly beaten black and blue then cooked and served as a delicacy in the northern region) is prolonged animal cruelty that should not be inflicted on fish or fowl and must be outlawed. Imagine having Chicken Hematoma on the restaurant menu. I mean to be graphic, no apologies.

We don’t want winged creatures to suffer that way, so why should humans be subjected to the same cruelty? And why should one willingly allow the brutality to be inflicted on oneself?

Doctors and morticians have tired explaining why a hazing victim succumbed—multiple organ failure, internal hemorrhage, even heart attack and all that. Psychologists keep explaining the whys—the need to belong, false sense of brotherhood, etc. The police tell the media the where, what, when, how. The media even show quick flashes of the victims’ kulay talong (eggplant color) physical state. Kulay ube (violet, like ube), a straight-faced lawyer said of his dead client the other day. Post mortem, the morning after.

The Anti-Hazing Law of 1995 is there, but it has not served as a deterrent, as evidenced by the deaths. The law is, at its best, punitive. Life imprisonment for the guilty, thank you. Parents who lost sons numbly walk out of the courtroom carrying in their hearts the sad refrain, “Nothing will bring them back to life.”

But can more lives be saved? There seems to be a lack of early warning devices (EWD in traffic parlance). The more graphic and out-of-the-box the better. A kulay talong limb on tarp? Students declaring hazing as un-cool, cowardly, sadistic and masochistic? One student said on TV the other day that he didn’t need to join a frat, he had enough friends and felt confident with himself. So why join frats that would make you cry, “Mama”?

Some frats with mysterious-sounding Greek letter names are known for their supposed brotherhood that goes beyond university and into their legal and political careers, even allegedly influencing their decisions—right or wrong. Several years ago, the revered Sen. Jovito Salonga publicly announced his resignation from his University of the Philippines Sigma Rho fraternity after an initiate died because of hazing.

Some law school frats are named after their school symbols. Top predators like the eagle, the lion. There is Aquila Legis of law students of Ateneo de Manila University and Lex Leonum Fraternitas of San Beda students. Both have figured in hazing deaths. The latest, Marc Andrei Marcos, reportedly died in the hands of Lex Leonum frat men.

Many years ago I wrote a long magazine feature on those accused for the hazing death of Lenny Villa, a law student of Ateneo. The title was “Cry, Eagles.” They sure had many reasons for crying, among them, the death of their brod-to-be, and the cold iron bars that awaited them. It took many years for justice to be served, and it was not even served completely, if you ask Lenny’s family.

How wrong for frat men to equate their frats’ cruelty with the power, fierceness and mystery of their symbols. Speaking of eagles and lions, these amazing wild creatures are true to their essence, they consume only what they need, they are not cruel and greedy. Humans have a lot to learn from their swiftness, strength and precision. A wrong move on your part, you get devoured.